Inxpect for a safe Sylva

"Sylva" represents an autonomous, immersive landscape built by Tiziano Derme and Daniela Mitterberger to honour the relationship between women, education, and technology. The constructed landscape is understood as synchronization of different parts of the ecosystem: the growth of plants, the movement of two robots, and a real-time soundscape and visualization.
Being an event open to the public, safety is one of the key aspects of the installation, which is why the innovative Inxpect safety radars were used: people and machines, together, safely in the same area.
The project follows the topicality of Magic Queen, an autonomous garden that is currently presented at the Venice Architecture Biennale 2021 in collaboration with ABB and Inxpect and is part of the Artificial Ecologies series.
A project by MAEID (Büro für Architektur und transmediale Kunst) in collaboration with the Princess of Asturias Foundation on the occasion of the 2021 Princess of Asturias Awards.